Friday, March 14, 2014

types of business letters 2

1. Letter Head (Kop Surat)
Merupakan identitas yang berisi logo, nama, alamat dan telepon dari pengirim surat.
Contoh kop surat :
2. Reference Line
Didalam surat berbahasa Inggris biasanya berisi huruf depan nama eksekutif yang menandatangani surat tersebut, diikuti dengan garis miring atau titik dua, lalu nama pengetik surat. Beberapa perusahaan menambahkan kode atau nomor tertentu berdasarkan sistem arsip mereka. Reference diletakkan dibagian atas surat diatas date.
Contoh : Your ref : 22 March 2004
Our Ref : BS/KF
3. Date Line ( Tanggal )
Ini adalah bagian tanggal pembuatan surat. Sedangkan format penulisan tanggal adalah bulan/hari/tahun, misalkan August 30, 2012.
Contoh penulisan date menggunakan British Style
03rd April 1990
Format penulisan British Style hampir sama dengan penulisan dalam Bahasa Indonesia hanya saja pada tanggal ditambahkan akhiran bilangan bertingkat. Posisi date pada British Style ditempatkan di sebelah kanan atas surat. 

Contoh penulisan date menggunakan American Style
April 03, 1990
Penulisan date menggunakan American Style ditempatkan di sebelah kiri atas surat dengan format Month Date, Year.
4. Inside Address
Bagian ini berisi nama penerimaan surat, jabatanya, dan nama perusahaannya disertai alamatnya. Jika kamu tidak yakin untuk siapa (nama) surat tersebut ditujukan, jangan kosongkan, tetapi coba untuk mengunakan jabatannya, seperti “Director of Human Resources”. Beri jarak antara tanggal dengan penerima.
5. Attention Line
Sebuah Alternatif untuk menempatkan penerima surat.
6. Solutition (Salam Pembuka)
Dalam bagian ini, istilah yang digunakan adalah “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (nama terakhir penerimaan)”, misalkan “Dear Mr. Fathoni”. Tetapi jika nama penerimanya tidak dikethui, tulis nama departementnya, misalkan “Dear Director of Department of Human Resource”. Beri jarak antara salam pembuka dengan isi.

Untuk Mitra bisnis yang sudah saling akrab biasanya menuliskan dengan “Dear Sue”
Penggunaan tanda baca pada salutation menggunakan British Style dituliskan tanpa tanda baca (titik koma atau koma) dan dalam American Style menggunakan tanda titik dua.
Dear Mr Krisman => contoh dalam British Style
Dear Mr. Krisman: => contoh dalam American Style
7.Subject Line (Perihal)
Perihal membuat penerima surat lebih mudah menemukan maksud dari surat tersebut, misalnya Invitation, Apology, dan lain sebagainya. Ini merupakan bagian optional dari business letter, artinya kita bisa mencantumkannya atau tidak.Penulisan subject menggunakan British Style: Subject ditempatkan diantara salutation dan isi surat. 
Penulisan subject menggunakan American Style: Subject ditempatkan diatas salutation.
8. Body Of Letter ( Isi Surat )
Isi surat merupakan tempat dimana kamu menuliskan hal yang ingin disampaikan. Paragraph di isi surat harus menggunakan spasi tunggal (single space) dan tanpa adanya jarak pemisah antara masing-masing paragrap. Beri jarak antara bagian akhir isi dengan penutup.
9. Complimentary Close ( Salam Penutup )
Bagian ini sebagai penanda bahwa surat anda telah selesai, biasanya diakhiri dengan penulisan “Sincerely”, “Sincerely yours”, “Thank you”, dan lain sebagainya. Catat, Terdapat sebuah koma di akhir penutup dan hanya huruf pertama yang menggunakan huruf kapital. Beri jarak 3-4 baris antara penutup dengan nama, yang nantinya diguankan untuk tempat tanda tangan.
10. Signature ( Tanda Tangan )
Bagian ini adalah tanda tangan penulis, biasanya menggunakan tinta warna hitam atau biru.
11. Enclosure ( Lampiran )
Jika sebuah surat berisi dokument atau lampiran lain selain surat tersebut, penulis haru menampilakan jumlah lampiran tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan “Enclosure (jumah lampiran)”, misalkan “Enclosure (6)”.
12. Carbon Copy Natation ( Tembusan Surat ).
Bagian ini digunakan untuk menginformasikan kepada penerima surat, bahwa surat tersebut juga dikirimkan kepada pihak yang perlu mengetahui isi surat. CC ditempatkan di kiri bawah surat.
Contoh : CC : Bagian Keuangan
Surat bisnis adalah komunikasi formal antara kertas, atau bisnis dan biasanya dikirim melalui Kantor Pos  atau kadang-kadang oleh kurir. Surat bisnis kadang-kadang disebut “mail” (sebagai lawan dari email yang lebih cepat). Adapun sebuah surat memiliki bagian-bagian yakni :

Letter Head (kepala surat)

Letter  Head atau biasa disebut dengan kepala surat. Terletak di paling atas dari sebuah  surat. Baik  surat resmi untuk pemerintah atau perusahaan.  Kepala Surat tersebut berisikan nama perusahaan, alamat       perusahaan, nomor telepon, faksimili, e-mail perusahaan, website perusahaan, logo perusahaan dll.  
Date (tanggal)
Tanggal surat berfungsi untuk memberitahu kepada si penerima surat kapan surat itu  ditulis. Tanggal surat terletak di kanan atas pada surat pembaca. Dalam penulisan tanggal nama bulan tidak boleh disingkat atau ditulis dengan angka saja. Harus jelas dan lengkap.Dalam penulisan tanggal dibedakan menjadi dua jenis yaitu menggunakan gaya penulisan British style dan American Style.
    Contoh :
                British style
     08th Desember 2011
     Gaya penulisan tanggal British style sama dengan gaya penulisan tanggal pada gaya Bahasa Indonesia. Hanya saja pada British style ditambahakan akhiran bilangan bertingkat seperti 1st, 2nd, 3rd, dst. Posisi tanggal terletak di kanan atas surat.
     American style
  •                 September 07, 2011
    Gaya penulisan tanggal American style nama bulan ditempatkan di posisi awal disusul tanggal diakhiri tanda   
     koma dan tahun. Posisi tanggal terletak di kiri atas surat.

  •                 Inside Addres (alamat yang dituju)
Berisikan nama dan alamat yang dituju, terletak di bagian kiri atas sebuah surat. Biasanya dalam penulisan
Inside Address selain nama dan alamat penerima, disertakan juga nama lengkap beserta jabatannya serta
kodepos dan Negara yang dituju.
  •                 Salutation (salam pembuka)
        Salam pembuka terletak di bawah alamat dan sebelum isi surat. berfungsi sebagai salam pembuka atau tanda hormat penulis. Salam pembuka dituliskan di sebelah kiri. Huruf pertama awal kata ditulis huruf kapital, sedangkan kata yang lain ditulis huruf kecil semua. Ada dua jenis salam pembuka dalam penulisan surat yaitu British style, dan American style.
Contoh :
 British style      : Dear Sir, Dear Miss, Dear Mrs.
 American style : Dear Sir 

    Body of the Letter (isi surat)
Isi surat merupakan bagian dari pokok surat berisi pesan atau informasi yang penulis ingin sampaikan secara     detail. Pesan yang tertulis dalam surat haruslah jelas dan langsung pada pokok permasalahan yang akan dibahas.
  •                 Complimentary Close (salam penutup)
Salam penutup dari sebuah isi surat berfungsi untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat penulis. Huruf awal kata salam penutup ditulis dengan huruf kapital, sedangkan kata yang lainnya ditulis dengan huruf kecil. Sesudah salam penutup dibubuhkan tanda koma. Salam penutup biasanya berupa kalimat “Yours Faithfully” ,” Yours Truly”, “Yours Sincerely”. Salam penutup dibagi menjadi dua tipe yaitu Britsh style dan American style.
Contoh :
Britsh style       : Dear Madam, Dear Sirs, Dear Mr, Dear Miss, Dear Mrs, Yours  
                         Sincerely, Sincerely, With Best Wishes.
American style : Sir, Madam, Gentlemen, Your Obedient Servant, Sincerely Yours.

Signature and Writer’s Identification (tanda tangan dan nama penulis)
Berupa tanda tangan penulis terletak pada sisi kanan bawah pembaca surat., beserta nama jelas penulis surat. Di cantumkan di bawah tanda tangan dengan huruf awal ditulis dengan huruf capital, tanpa diberi tanda kurung.

  • Tujuan dari sebuah Business Letter
      Business Letter adalah jenis surat resmi (formal letter) yang berfungsi sebagai cara berkomunikasi antara dua atau lebih perusahaan. Terdapat banyak perbedaan penggunaan dalam Business Letter. Business Letter dapat bersifat menyampaikan informasi (informational), bujukan (persuasive), motivasi (motivational), atau promosi (promotional). Business Letter harus diketik dan diprint-out pada kertas putih standard berukuran 8,5 x 11.
  • Unsur-unsur dari sebuah surat yang baik

Unsur terpenting dari menulis surat yang baik adalah kemampuan penulis mengindentifikasi untuk siapa surat itu ditujukan. Jika penulis mengrimkan suratnya ke departement sumberdaya manusia, hindari penggunaan istilah-istilah tehnik tinggi yang hanya makenik yang bisa memahaminya.

Berdasarkan identasi dan penyelarasan paragraf, ada lima format yang digunakan dalam menulis surat bisnis. Yaitu:
1. Full Block Format : Business Letter
Pada penulisan Full Block style : Business letter biasanya berada pada rata kiri seperti letter head, date, inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, complementary close, signature atau secara keseluruhan dari format surat berada di posisi rata kiri.
3519 Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286 

October 5, 2004 

Ms. Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534 

Dear Ms. Johnson:
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.


Bob Powers

Accounts Receivable

2.  Semi-Block Format : Business Letter
Semi-Blok fromat : Dalam format ini, teks sejajar kiri dan semua paragraf dalam surat itu adalah indentasi
Format bentuk pada surat ini pada letter head, date, complementary close, dan signature berada di posisi rata kanan. Di layout tdk rata kanan,tp bs dibilangg rata tengah. Bagian lain pada surat seperti inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, maupun enclosure jika terdapatnya lampiran surat, berada pada 
posisi rata kiri.

3519 Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286 

October 5, 2004 

Ms. Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534 

Dear Ms. Johnson:
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months. 
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice. 
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555. 


Bob Powers

Accounts Receivable

3. Modified Block Format : Business Letter
Blok dimodifikasi: format ini memiliki bagian-bagian yang tidak diimbangin. teks sejajar di sisi kiri atas. Hanya alamat penulisan, tanggal (di layout rata kiri) dan surat penutupan bergeser ke tengah atau samping kanan kertas. 
3519 Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286 
October 5, 2004 
Ms. Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534 

Dear Ms. Johnson:
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555. 


Bob Powers

Accounts Receivable

4.Hanging Style : Business Letter
Bentuk Hanging style hampir sama dengan bentuk Semi Block style. Bedanya pada isi surat Hanging style paragrafnya menggantung. Paragraf pertama diketik rata kiri, paragraf kedua dan selanjutnya diketik menjorok ke dalam 5 spasi. Posisi tanggal terletak di sebelah kanan atas. Subject, alamat, dan salam pembuka, salam penutup, tanda tangan terletak di sebelah kiri.

5. Indented Style : Business Letter
Format Indented style pada surat bisnis mirip dengan format modified block style. Perbedaannya adalah pada indented style awal paragrafnya menjorok (indentasi) satu tab seperti contoh di atas. Posisi date menggunakan rata kanan, begitu juga dengan bagian complementary close nya.

Jenis Tenses dan Contohnya

Simple present tense merupakan salah satu bentuk tense dari kelompok Present(saat ini) untuk mengungkapkan aktifitas yang biasa dilakukan sehari-hari atau menyatakan keadaan atau pekerjaan yang merupakan rutinitas,kebiasaan sehari-hari dan kebenaran yang bersifat umum.





?) is/am/are+S+Adj/N/Adv

Time signal:
Always,generraly,normally,usually,often,Every day,every night,every evening,every week etc.

-Kalimat verbal:kalimat yang predikatnya kata kerja.
Kalimat nominal:kalimat yang predikatnya bukan kata kerja
      Akhiran  -es ditambahkan untuk kata-kata yang berakhiran “o,sh,ch,s,z dan x”. Apabila kata kerja berakhiran “y” tapi sebelum huruf “y” adalah huruf mati,maka”y” diganti dengan”I” dan ditambah “es”.Akan tetapi apabila berakhiran “y” dan sebelumnya huruf hidup maka cukup ditambah “s”.
 Penambahan ini hanya untuk kalimat Simple Present dengan subject :She,He dan It.Akan tetapi penambahan ini juga bisa ditambahkan untuk noun/kata benda agar menjadi jamak.

KV=Kalimat Verbal
KN=Kalimat Nominal

Affirmative Sentence(+)                                                                    

1. +)He plays anklung  every day(KV)
2 .+)Rio is greedy(KN)
3. +)Dhani goes to Riddo’ s house every morning(KV)
4. +)They are  stingy(KN)
5. +)I eat banana every morning(KV)

Negative Sentence(-)

1.        -)He does not play anklung every day(KV)
2.        -)Rio is not greedy(KN)
3.        -) Dhani does not go to Riddo’s hause every morning(KV)
4.        -)They are not stingy(KN)
5.        -)I do not eat banana every morning(KV)

Interrogative Sentence(?)

1.)    ?)Does he play anklung every day?(KV)
2.)     ?)is Rio greedy?(KN)
3.)     ?)Does Dhani go to Riddo’s house every morning?(KV)
4.)     ?)are they stingy?(KN)
5.)     ?)Do you eat banana every morning?(KV)

+ } Sisca Reads book everyday

- } Sisca does not Read book everyday

? } does Sisca Read book everyday


Untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan sedang berlangsung pada saat sedang berbicara(sekarang).
Untuk menyatakan tindakan yang segera akan terjadi
Untuk menyatakan situasi yg berubah-ubah

+)S+to be)is,am ,are)+Ving+O+Adv
-)S+to be(is,am,are)+not+Ving+O+Adv
?)to be (is,am,are)+S+Ving+O+Adv?
Time signal:Now,right now,at present,at this moment, etc.
1)      +) I am eating chocolate now.
2)      +)She is cooking at home now
3)      +) They are discussing right now
4)      +)Rio is drinking cocacola now
5)      +)they are staying in Tasikmalaya

1.)    -)I am not eating chocolate now.
2.)    -)She is not cooking at home now
3.)    -)They are not discussing right now
4.)     -)Rio is not dringking cocacola now
5.)    -)they are staying in Tasikmalaya

1.)    ?)Are you eating chocolate now?
2.)    ?is she cooking at home now?
3.)    ?)are they  discussing right now?
4.)    ?is Rio dringking cocacola now?
5.)    ?)are they staying in Tasikmalaya?

(+) He is playing badminton now

(-) He isn’t playing badminton now.

(?) Is he playing badminton now.

Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau penyelesaian suatu tindakan,waktu terjadinya tidaklah penting,yang penting adalah hasil atau akibatnya.
A.menyatakan perbuatan yang telah atau belum dilakukan
B.Menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang  berlangsung sampai sekarang pada kata-kata kerja tertentu.
Menggunakan time duration / time signal yang menunjukkan bahwa perbuatan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.
Untuk long term activity .
Verb-verb yang biasa digunakan untuk long term activity

C.sebagai pengganti present perfect continuous untuk noun progressive verb


Time signal:Just,already,once,twice,for a week,for a month,for a year,since,yet………..etc


1.)    +) I have been sleepy
2.)    +) They have been at home since four o’clock
3.)     +)My mother has lived in Balikpapan since 1995
4.)    +)Romy has gone to bookshop
5.)     +)They have worked for six hours

1.)    -)I have not been sleepy
2.)    -)They have not  been at home since four o’clock
3.)    -) My mother has not lived in Balikpapan since 1995
4.)    -)Romy has not gone to bookshop
5.)    -)They have not worked for six hours

1.       ?)Have you been sleepy?
2.       ?)Have they been at home since four o’clock?
3.       ?)Has my mother lived in Balikpapan since 1995?
4.       ?)Has Romy gone to bookshop?
5.       ?)Have they worked for six hour?

(+) you have eaten mine.

(-) she has not been to Rome

(?) have you finished?

Untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan yang berawal dari suatu waktu di waktu lampau,masih berlagsung sampai sekarang pada saat sedang berbicara, atau suatu tindakan yang baru saja selesai.



Time Signal:
Since(sejak)                       :Since last week,since last year
For/during(selama)          :for two days,for four year

have digunakan untuk I, you, they, we, sedangkan has untuk he, she, it, dan orang ketiga tunggal.
Perubahan V1-ing mengacu pada aturanprogressive dan non-progressive verb.
      kata kerja yang digunakan merupakantransitive dan intransitive verb.
1.)    +)He has been waiting for two hours.
2.)    +)The toddlers have been sleeping for three hours.
3.)    +)Indah  has been working at that company for three years.
4.)    +)Jhonny has been preparing his homework since yesterday.
5.)    +)My sister has been collecting  sticker since five years ago.

1.)    -)He has not been waiting for two hours.
2.)    -)The toddlers have not been sleeping for three hours.
3.)    -)Indah  has not been working at that company for three years.
4.)    -)Jhonny has not been preparing his homework since yesterday.
5.)    -)My sister has been collecting  sticker since five years ago.

1.)    Has he been waiting for two hours?
2.)    Have the toddlers been sleeping for three hours?
3.)    Has Indah been working at that company for three years.
4.)    Has Jhonny been preparing his homework since yesterday?
5.)    Has my sister been collecting sticker since five years ago?


Past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi atau tindakan yang terjadi di waktu terentu di waktu lampau, kebiasaan di waktu lampau,dan kalimat pengandaian bentuk kedua.




Time Signal:yesterday,last week,two days ago,last night,a week ago ...etc

1.)    +)Dio was late yesterday.
2.)    +)He saw a movie yesterday morning.
3.)    +)Greyson bought  a comic yesterday
4.)    +)My friend visited me last week.
5.)    +)They were at Victor’s house last night.

1.)    Dio was not late yesterday.
2.)    He not saw a movie yesterday morning.
3.)    Greyson not bought  a comic yesterday.
4.)    My friend not visited me last week
5.)    They were not at Victor’s house last night.

1.)    ?)Was Dio late yesterday?
2.)    ?)Did he see a movie yesterday morning?
3.)    ?)Did Greyson buy a comic yesterday?
4.)    ?)Did my friend visit me last week?
5.)    ?)Were they at Victor’s house last night?

Past continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu tindakan sedang terjadi di waktu lampau;yang dipentingkan adalah sedang terjadinya tindakan lampau tersebut bukan penyelesasiannya.



Time Signal:as,when ,while

1.)    +)My Sister was cooking when it began to rain.
2.)    +)Tio was playing football while Andri was Watching TV.
3.)    +)we were having a meeting at eight this morning.
4.)    +)Endru was being abroad when his uncle passed away.
5.)    +)Oscar was sleeping when I visited him.

1.)    -) My Sister was not cooking when it began to rain.
2.)    -)Tio was not playing football while Andri was Watching TV.
3.)    -)we were not having a meeting at eight this morning.
4.)    -)Endru was not  being abroad when his uncle passed away.
5.)    -)Oscar was not sleeping when I visited him.

1.)    ?) Was my sister cooking when it began to rain?
2.)    ?)Was Tio playing football while Andri was watching TV?
3.)    ?)Were we having a meeting  at eight this morning?
4.)    ?)Was Endru being abroad when his uncle passed away?
5.)    Was Oscar sleeping when I visited him?


Untuk menyatakan dua perbuatan /kejadian di waktu lampau,dimana kejadian pertama dalam bentuk past perfect tense ,sedangkan kejadian yang berikutnya dalam bentuk past tense.
Digunakan dalam indirect speech


+)Subject + had + verb III + (past participle) + object/C

-)Subject + had + not + verb III + object/C

?)Had + subject + verb III + object /C?

+)Subject + had + been + Adj/N/Adv
-)Subject + had + not + been + Adj/N/Adv

?)Had + subject been + Adj/N/Adv ?

Time Signal:Before,just,already,after,until,as soon as…
NOTE:Kalimat past perfect tense tidak lazim  digunakan dalam kalimat tunggal yang berdiri sendiri,tetapi digunakan dalam kalimat majemuk bertingkat(complex sentence)berupa ‘adverbial clause of time’.Kalimat past perfect tense berfungsi untuk menyatakan dua tindakan yang terjadi secara berturut-turut  pada waktu tertentu di waktu lampau.

1.)    +)You had been a teacher when he was in Junior high school.
2.)    +)I had eaten before Indah came
3.)    +)I had known him before you introduced me to him.
4.)    +)I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Bali
5.)    +)Razan had studied English before he moved to LA

1.)    -)You had  not been a teacher when he was in Junior high school.
2.)    -)I had  not eaten before Indah came
3.)    -)I had  not known him before you introduced me to him.
4.)    -)I had  not never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Bali
5.)    -)Razan had not  studied English before he moved to LA

1.)    ?) Had you been a teacher when he was in Junior high school?
2.)    ?)Had I been eaten before Indah came?
3.)    ?)Had I  known him before you introduced me to him?
4.)    ?)Had I never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Bali?
6.)    ?)Had Razan studied English before he moved to LA?


Past perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentukkata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi dengan durasi waktu tertentu dimasa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi. Selain itu, tense ini juga digunakan untuk mengekspresikan berapa lama suatu aksi terjadi sampai titik waktu tertentu dimasa lampau.

+)S + had + been + V1-ing/present participle
-)S + had + not + been + V1-ing/present participle
?)had + S + been + V1-ing/present participle

Perubahan Verb-ing mengacu pada aturan progressive dan non-progressive verb kata kerja yang digunakan merupakan transitive dan intransitive.
 Time signal: for…before, before,until(till),when

1.)    +) I had been doing my homework when Rio came back home
2.)    +)You had been going when Dhani came
3.)    +)They had been talking when the teacher taught  them.
4.)    +)we had been finishing the work  for three days before he moved to Australia
5.)    +)I had been sleeping for an hour when it started raining

1.)    -) I had not been doing my homework when Rio came back home
2.)    -)You had not been going when Dhani came
3.)    -)They had not been talking when the teacher taught them.
4.)    -)we had not been finishing the work  for three days before he moved to Australia
5.)    -)I had not been sleeping for an hour when it started raining

1.)    ?)had you been doing my homework when Rio came back home?
2.)    ?)had you been going when Dhani came
3.)    ?)had they been talking when the teacher teaught them?
4.)    ?)had we been finishing the work for three days before he moved to Australia?
5.)    ?)had you been sleeping an hour when it started raining?


Future Tense atau Simple Future digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang Akan Terjadi. Future tense adalah tentang Nanti. Sesuatu arti katanyaFuture yaitu “Masa Depan”. Karena itu dalam Future Tense penggunaan kata Will, Shall yang artinya akan pastilah mendominasi.

Simple Future Tense dibagi menjadi dua bentuk yaitu “Will/shall” dan “going to” tetapi memiliki perbedaan penggunaan.
“going to” digunakan dalam mengucapkan suatu rencana tindakan yg telah dibuat jauh2 sebelum berbicara.Juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu prediksi berdasarkan tanda-tanda saat ini (pasti terjadi kemungkinan besar)
“going to” juga dikenal dalam kata “gonna” yang sering digunakan dalam situasi tidak resmi. PENTING : Hindari menggunakan kata “gonna” dalam ujian bahasa inggris atau suasana resmi.
“will” digunakan dalam mengucapkan suatu rencana tindakan yang baru saja kamu pikirkan/belum direncanakan/spontanitas saat berbicara.juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ramalan yg akan terjadi berdasarkan perhitungan atau perasaan (belum tentu kepastiannya).
Will sering disingkat
will = ‘ill
Will not = won’t
Will/shall juga sering digunakan dengan “problably, most likely, I think, I’m sure, I wonder (if, what, when, etc), I expect”

Verbal sentence:
Positif (+)
Subject + will/shall + verb I + object
Subject + am/is/are + going to + verb I + object+/C
Negatif (-)
Subject + will/shall +not+ verb I + object
Subject + am/is/are + not + going to + verb I + object+/C
Tanya (?)
Will/shall + subject + verb I + object
Am/is/are + subject + going to + verb I + object+/C


Nominal sentence:

Am/is/are+going to+Be+Comp
Time signal : tomorrow, tomorrow morning ,tomorrow afternoon ,tomorrow evening ,tomorrow night ,the day after tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year ,in two days ,in a week, etc.


1.)    +)I shall be at school tomorrow morning
2.)    +)You will be there next week
3.)    +)They will go to the  zoo next week
4.)    +)She will buy a new bag next month
5.)    +)I am going to be at home tomorrow evening

6.)    -)I shall not be at school tomorrow morning
7.)    -)You will not be there next week
8.)    -)They will not go to the  zoo next week
9.)    -)She will not buy a new bag next month
10.) -)I am not going to be at home tomorrow evening

11.) ?)shall I be at school tomorrow morning?
12.) ?)will you be there next week?
13.) ?)will they go to the zoo next week?
14.) ?)will she buy a new bag next month?
15.) ?)am I going to be at home tomorrow  evening?


Future continuous tense adalah bentuk kata kerjayang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang akan sedang terjadi di masa depan. Selain itu, bentuk kata kerja ini dapat pula digunakan untuk mengekspresikan jadwal atau rencana.
positif (+)
S + will be + V1-ing/present participle
negatif (-)
S + will + not + be + V1-ing/present participle
interogatif (?)
Will + S + be + V1-ing/present participle

Time signal :at seven tomorrow morning ,at three tomorrow afternoon ,at nine tomorrow evening ,at ten next Sunday…etc

perubahan kata kerja mengacu pada aturan progressive dan non-progresive verb.
kata kerja yang digunakan yaitu transitive dan intransitive verb.

+)We shall be staying here at seven tomorrow evening
+)He will be going to office at six thirty tomorrow morning.
+)I will be playing basketball at 10am tomorrow.
+)she will be having dinner when the film starts.
+)You will be waiting for him when his friend  arrives tonight

-)We shall not be staying here at seven tomorrow evening
-)He will not be going to office at six thirty tomorrow morning.
-)I will not be playing basketball at 10am tomorrow.
-)she will not be having dinner when the film starts.
-)You will not be waiting for him when his friend  arrives tonight

?) shall we be staying here at seven tomorrow evening?
?) will  he be going to office at six thirty tomorrow morning?
?)will he be playing basketball at 10am tomorrow?
?) will she  be having dinner when the film starts?
?) will you be waiting for him when his friend  arrives tonight?


Future perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan atau kejadian yang telah dimulai pada waktu lampau yang akan sudah/belum selesai dilakukan di masa yang akan datang.

Pola kalimat  future perfect tense.

Pola I
(+) S + will + have + V3
(-) S + will + not + have + V3
(?) Will + S + have + V3

Pola II
(+) S + will + have + been + Adj/Adv/N
(-) S + will + not + have + been + Adj/Adv/N
(?) Will + S + have + been + Adj/Adv/N


Saat menggunakan future perfect tense dalam percakapan, subject dan will sering disingkat. Bahkan terkadang subject, will dan have disingkat sekaligus.
I’ll have been here for six month on June 1st.
I’ll’ve been here for six month on June 1st.

Terkadang shall dipakai menggantikan will, terutama untuk subjek I dan we.
I shall have been here for six month on June 1st.

Time signal:by/before Saturday,by/before the end of this month,by/before next week,by/before the end of this year
+)I shall have been in my house before 09:00 this morning.
+)You will have been in Surabaya before noon.
+)We shall have arrived in Batam before noon.
+)I shall have finished my homework before Thursday
+)I shall have cleaned my car before 18:00 this evening.

-)I shall not have been in my house before 09:00 this morning.
-)You will not have been in Surabaya before noon.
-)We shall not have arrived in Batam before noon.
-)I shall have not finished my homework before Thursday
-)I shall have not cleaned my car before 18:00 this evening.

?) shall  I have been in my house before 09:00 this morning?
?) will  you have been in Surabaya before noon?
?) shall  we have arrived in Batam before noon?
?)shall I have finished my homework before Thursday ?
?) shall I have cleaned my car before 18:00 this evening?

Future perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang berlangsung hingga titik waktu tertentu dimasa depan.

Rumus Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Positif: S + will + have + been + Ving
Negatif: S + will + not + have + been + Ving
Tanya: Will + S + have + been + Vin

Time signal:

1.)    +)I shall have been going to the park before Saturday
2.)    +)You will have been cooking fried chicken before 05:00 this evening.
3.)    +)He will have  been delivering a letter before Saturday
4.)    +)I shall have been visiting Siska’s house for two hours
5.)    +)I shall have been playing badminton for three hours.

6.)    -)I shall not  have been going to the park before Saturday
7.)    -)You will not have been cooking fried chicken before 05:00 this evening.
8.)    -)He will not have  been delivering a letter before Saturday
9.)    -)I shall not have been visiting Siska’s house for two hours
10.) -)I shall have not been playing badminton for three hours.

11.) ?)shall I have been going to the park before Saturday?
12.) ?) will  you have been cooking fried chicken before 05:00 this evening?
13.) ?) will you have  been delivering a letter before Saturday?
14.) ?)shall I have been visiting Siska’s house for two hours?
15.) ?) shall  I have been playing badminton for three hours?

Past Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang AKAN dilakukan, TETAPI di masa lampau, bukan saat ini.
Pola kalimat simple past future tense.

Pola I
(+) S + would + V1
(-) S + would + not + V1
(?) Would + S + V1

Pola II
(+) S + would + be + Adj/Adv/N
(-) S + would + not + be + Adj/Adv/N
(?) Would + S + be + Adj/Adv/N

Untuk bentuk negatif, sering dipakai bentuk singkatan wouldn’t.
He wouldn’t be late the following day.

Terkadang should dipakai menggantikan would, terutama untuk subjek I dan we.
I should not go to Bali the following day.

1.)    +)I should be there yesterday
2.)    +)He would cross the street this morning.
3.)    +)I would be in home this morning.
4.)    +)we should  take train to Jakarta
5.)    +)Rio would arrive in office at six.

6.)    -)I should  not be there yesterday
7.)    -)He would not cross the street this morning.
8.)    -)I would not be in home this morning.
9.)    -)we should not  take train to Jakarta
10.) -)Rio would not arrive in office yesterday.

11.) ?)should  I be there yesterday?
12.) ?) would  he cross the street this morning?
13.) ?) would I be in home this morning?
14.) ?)should   we take train to Jakarta?
15.) ?) would Rio arrive in office at six?

Future past continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan sedang akan berlangsung di waktu lampau,biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat tak langsung(indirect speech)
Rumus Past Future Continuous Tense
Positif: S + would /should+ be + Ving
Negatif: S + would/should + not + be + Ving
Tanya: Would /should+ S + be + Ving
+) I should be having a meeting at this time the following day
-)I should not be a meeting at this time the following day.
?)should I be a meeting at this time the following day?

+) She would be cleaning her car after lunch
-) she would not be cleaning her car after lunc
?)would she be cleaning her car after lunc?

+) I should be watering the flowers when my friends visited me
-)I should not be watering the flowers when my friends visited me
?)Should I be watering the flowers when my friends visited me?

+) She would be playing a doll when you told her to feed the cat

-)she would not be playing a doll when you told her to feed the cat
?)would she be playing a doll when you told her to feed the cat?

+) We should be playing badminton before going to bed

-)we should not be playing  badminton before going to bed
?)should we be playing badminton before going to bed?

digunakan sebagai jawaban terhadap kalimat pengandaian bentuk ketiga.

Rumus Past Future Prefect Tense
Positif: S + would + have + V3+OBJ+COMP+/COMP+IF……(past perfect)
Negatif: S + would + not + have + V3+OBJ+/COMP+IF…….(past perfect)
Tanya: Would + S + have + V3+OBJ+/COMP+IF……(past perfect)

Non-action sentence :should/would+have+been

Time expression:
(future past perfect)…. ….if…..(past participle)
If………(past  perfect)…… ..(future past perfect)

Untuk membentuk kalimat Tanya hanya kata ‘would’ yang ditempatkan mendahului subyek kalimat, sedangkan kata ‘have’ tetap pada posisinya.
Dalam kalimat negative kata ‘not’ ditempatkan setelah kata kerja bantu modal’would’ bukan setelah kata ‘have’.
1.       +)I  would have come there if you had accompanied me.
2.       -)I would not have come there if you had not accompanied me.
3.       ?)Would you have come there if I had infited you?

4.       +)You would have passed the  examination if you had studied hard
5.       -)You would not have  passed the examination if you studied hard
6.       ?)would you have passed the examination if you studied hard?

7.       +)we would have eaten if we had booked earlier.
8.       -)we would not have eaten if we had booked earlier.
9.       ?)would we have eaten if we had booked earlier?

10.   +)they would have started the game if you had come
11.   -)they would not have started the game if you not come
12.   ?)would they have started the game if you come?

13.   +)He would have arrived here if he had gone by car
14.   -)He would not have arrived here if he had not gone by car
15.   ?)would he have arrived here if he had gone by car?

Tense bahasa inggris terakhir ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang akan sudah sedang terjadi pada masa lalu. Past future perfect continuous tense memiliki persamaan dengan future perfect continuous tense.

Positif (+)
Subject + should/would + have + been + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + should/would + not + have + been + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
Should/would + subject + have + been + verb-ing + object ?

Time expressions: idem with simple past tense.

+)Rino said that he would have been finishing the lesson for three hours the previous night.
-)Rino said that he would not have been finishing the lesson for three hours the previous night.
?)we asked Rino  whether or not (if) he would have been finishing the lesson for three hours the previous night.

+)I said that I would have been learning Spanish at 04;oo the day before
-)I said that I would not have been larning Spanish at 04:00 the day before
?)My mother whether or not (if) I would have been lerning Spanish at 04:00the day before

+)I should have been washing my clothes
-)I  should not have been washing my clothes
?)should I have been washing my clothes?

+)I would have been coming home before noon.
-)I would not have been coming home before noon.
?)would I have been coming home before noon?

+)Raffy said that he would have been watching movie on TV at 05:00 the previous evening.
-)Raffy said that he would not have been watching movie on TV at 05:00 the previous evening.
?)His father asked Raffy whether or not(if) would have been watching movie on TV at 05:00 the previous evening.